

Huaye Glass appeared at the 135th Canton Fair | 華業玻璃亮相第135屆廣交會



On April 23, the second phase of the 135th Canton Fair (China Import and Export Fair) was held in Guangzhou, Huaye Glass appeared in the fair, booth No. 12.1H25, attracting many customers and professionals at home and abroad.



At the fair site, Huaye Glass, with the concept of "intelligent manufacturing, green development", interpreted the deep integration of intelligence and manufacturing by displaying exquisite glass products, advanced technology of glass deep processing, and the latest scientific and technological research results. Visitors to talk in an endless stream, our professional staff to maintain a high degree of enthusiasm, professional explanation, meticulous questions, many customers expressed a strong willingness to cooperate.



In the future, Huaye Glass will focus on green sustainable goals, continue to increase scientific and technological research and development efforts, achieve core technology breakthroughs, promote digital intelligent manufacturing to empower digital intelligent future, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and help the glass industry high-quality development.



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