



With the increasing diversification of customers' demand for glass products, in order to meet the different needs of customers, Huaye Glass of the Group has recently carried out a comprehensive transformation and in-depth optimisation of the tempering furnace to ensure that each piece of glass can achieve excellent quality.


3.5mm - 4mm thickness of horizontal tempered glass particle size in accordance with GB15763.2-2005 national standard, the product is stable, reliable, tempering quality consistency is very good. For 4mm glass with a single area of less than 1.5 square metres, its bow and waveform quality control range is fully in line with national standards for foreign trade exports to Europe and the United States, so as to provide customers with better quality glass products.


In terms of size, the maximum stock size of horizontal tempered 4mm glass is 2440mm*6000mm, and the minimum size is 300mm*300mm, which meets the needs of different customers. At the same time, we also improve the 4mm bending and tempering technology, the maximum single size is 1000mm*2440mm, the minimum single size is 300mm*500mm, the minimum radius is 450mm.



This technological upgrade not only improves product quality, but also significantly increases production efficiency and cost control, enabling us to better respond to market changes and challenges.


In the future, our company will continue to engage in research and development and innovation of glass production technology, and constantly optimise the production process to improve the quality and performance of products. At the same time, we will provide customers with more comprehensive and professional services, and join hands with customers to create a better future!


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